< blockquote>They soon reached a small hut, near which, enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question. An Indian came out of the hut, and, at their request, conducted them within the enclosure. The elephant, which its owner had reared, not for a beast of burden, but for warlike purposes, was half domesticated. The Indian had begun already, by often irritating him, and feeding him every three months on sugar and butter, to impart to him a ferocity not in his nature, this method being often employed by those who train the Indian elephants for battle. Happily, however, […]
Planning Régulateur juin 2014
Planning Régulateur JUIN 2014
Return of the Jedi
As you wish. Escape is not his plan. I must face him, alone. Don’t underestimate the Force. Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you’re going. She must have hidden the plans in the escape pod. Send a detachment down to retrieve them, and see to it personally, Commander. There’ll be no one to stop us this time! Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell I want to come with you to Alderaan. There’s nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and […]
Article à destination des médecins SOS
contenu spécifique groupes SOS Nice et Cannes-Grasse
Article à destination des régulateurs
For some reason, the Jungfrau seemed quite eager
For some reason, the Jungfrau seemed quite eager to pay her respects. While yet some distance from the Pequod, she rounded to, and dropping a boat, her captain was impelled towards us, impatiently standing in the bows instead of the stern.
« Sing out for him! »
« Sing out for him! » was the impulsive rejoinder from a score of clubbed voices. « Good! » cried Ahab, with a wild approval in his tones; observing the hearty animation into which his unexpected question had so magnetically thrown them. « And what do ye next, men? » « Lower away, and after him! » « And what tune is it ye pull to, men? » « A dead whale or a stove boat! » More and more strangely and fiercely glad and approving, grew the countenance of the old man at every shout; while the mariners began to gaze curiously at each other, as if marvelling how it was […]
This midnight-spout had almost grown
This midnight-spout had almost grown a forgotten thing, when, some days after, lo! at the same silent hour, it was again announced: again it was descried by all; but upon making sail to overtake it, once more it disappeared as if it had never been. And so it served us night after night, till no one heeded it but to wonder at it. Mysteriously jetted into the clear moonlight, or starlight, as the case might be; disappearing again for one whole day, or two days, or three; and somehow seeming at every distinct repetition to be advancing still further and […]
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